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17 Oct 2023

Acquisition of Jaktia Jönköping

Huskvarna Arena

”Opportunity to become a world-class hunting and shooting arena”

Burdock Outdoor Group acquires Jaktia Jönköping – one of northern Europe's largest hunting, fishing, and shooting centers. This is a strategically important acquisition that strengthens Burdock Outdoor Group's presence. At the same time, an exciting future awaits hunting and fishing enthusiasts in Jönköping and the surrounding areas.

Burdock Outdoor Group is delighted to welcome Jaktia Jönköping to its world of stores and brands in the hunting, fishing, and outdoor industry. This was announced by Lars Martinsson, Chairman of Burdock Outdoor Group.

”Our ambition is to preserve Jaktia Jönköping's unique position in the market and gradually continue to develop the range of products and experiences in and around the store. To succeed in this, we will capitalize on the extensive experience and solid expertise available at Jaktia Jönköping,” said Lars Martinsson.

Christian Larsson, former CEO of Jaktia Jönköping, will continue to play a key role within the group. He is optimistic about the future.

”I feel completely at ease with the decision to entrust Jaktia Jönköping to Burdock Outdoor Group. With an owner of this caliber, the company has every opportunity to develop into a world-class hunting and shooting arena,” said Christian Larsson.

The acquisition of Jaktia Jönköping is a significant investment for Burdock Outdoor Group. It not only strengthens their presence in the market but also provides a clear indication of their direction: to promote adventure and extraordinary experiences on hunting trips, fishing expeditions, and outdoor adventures.

”Jaktia Jönköping is an important milestone in our exciting journey to inspire and offer even more people the chance to enjoy our beautiful Swedish nature,” said Lars Martinsson.

For further information:
Lars Martinsson, Chairman of Burdock Outdoor Group
031 – 26 40 01

About Burdock Outdoor Group
Burdock Outdoor Group is a leading player in the hunting, fishing, and outdoor industry with a focus on high product quality and customer satisfaction. Through a large number of stores and carefully selected premium brands, Burdock Outdoor Group offers a wide range of products and services for hunters, sports shooters, fishing enthusiasts, and outdoor enthusiasts. Read more at burdockoutdoorgroup.com